Objective: Teach safety rules through fun and memorable songs.
(To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Stay with friends when you play,
Hold hands tight, don't run away.
Tell a grown-up where you'll be,
So they know you're safe, you see.
If a stranger talks to you,
Find a trusted adult to view.
(To the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb")
Know your name and where you live,
Phone number that your parents give.
If you ever feel afraid,
Find a safe spot, don't delay.
Trusted grown-ups are the key,
To staying safe and worry-free.
(To the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
Look both ways, left and right,
Before you cross the street.
Wait for grown-ups, hold their hand,
Then move your little feet.
Never keep a secret,
If it makes you feel bad.
Tell a trusted grown-up,
They'll help and you'll be glad.
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